My Current Animals

Right now I have...

 A 4 yr old beagle named Grace Kelly, Gracie for short. Gracie came home with me on February 28, 2013. I found her at the humane society where she and 2 other female beagles (one age 6 thought to be her mother and one age 2 though to be a sister from a younger litter or even Gracie's pup) were dumped in the overnight drop off area.. Well Gracie seems to have had a very rough past, she has severe separation anxiety (though it has gotten a lot better), what feels like 5 ribs in a row that have broken and healed, jumps and hides at the drop of a hat, and is generally a very skittish but sweet gentle dog. She's afraid of most things and people but she's come a very long way and is nothing but a lover and a snuggler once she knows you're okay.

A 1 yr old male ball python named Wobbles. Wobbles is a "bumble bee" morph, which means one of his parents was a pastel morph bp and the other was a spider morph bp. Because he is a carrier of the spider gene, he has something many other carriers of the gene have called "the wobbles". The term was coined by ball python breeders who noticed that the snakes with the spider gene tend to shake or "wobble" their heads when excited or stressed, some snakes with the wobbles have issues with aim and striking their prey and even take a longer amount of time to right themselves if flipped upside down. It is thought to be a neurological disorder but not enough research has been put into it to tell for sure without doubt.  In Wobbles' case, he really only does it if he's periscoping up or if he's agitated, it was worse when he was a baby and I think it's gotten better because he's developed more muscle strength and control with age.

Oh and his DJ name is DJ WOBBLYWOBBZ

A "small rat" as defined by Petco.. Mabeline (she was named by my bf) is a young female albino rat (white fur, red eyes). She's got a very cheeky personality and is currently working on leash/harness training and basic commands/tricks like come and stand. Rats a very smart animals and as pets, have learned many tricks and behaviors right up their with the best dogs.

I also have a red male veil tailed betta fish named Lil Sebastian but I don't think I have any pics of him.. no love for LS haha

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