In Memorium

This is a page for the remembrance of pets that have passed. If you'd like to share your scaly guardian angel, send an email to with "in memorium" in the subject line  and the animals name, dob/dod, a nice picture, species/subspecies/morph, and a short sweet story about them if you'd like.

Normal Ball Python, female, July 2011 - August 2013
When I got Charlie, it took 3 different employees at Petsmart to get her out of her tank, wearing thick leather gloves.. apparently she was the demon snake who bit anyone she could, and they thought she was a male.. well they put her in my cupped hands where she sat in a ball as I finished my shopping, from that moment on she was a complete and utter sweetheart. She is featured as Miss February in the World of Ball Pythons 2013 calendar. 

Benjamin Button
Veiled Chameleon, male, January 2013 - July 2013
Bennie B was quite the escape artist.. during one of his unsupervised outings he ate a small piece of plastic which backed him up for a while, which made the blockage press against his sciatic nerve. This caused nerve damage that nearly stopped the use of  his legs.. after he finally passed the foreign object it was an up and down battle to keep him alive for almost 3 months, sadly the damage had been done and when he hit a very low point I made the call to end his suffering.

Peter "Batman" Cottontail-Whitlock
American Cottontail Rabbit, May 20, 2013 - May 30, 2013
Peter was abandoned by his mother when my sister's dog dug up the nest and ate his siblings. Rearing wild rabbits is a very hard task unless done by a professional or with a professional's advice. The odds were against him and without their mothers, infant rabbits often don't make it past 4 days. 

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