Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Awesome Animal Companion of the Week

This week's Awesome Animal Companion is from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Joe Joe is a Capybara. He is an accomplished pianist, superior to all other piano playing rodents in the world!

Native to South America, the capybara is the largest rodent in the world. It's closest living relatives are guinea pigs and rock cavies, and more distantly related to the agouti, chinchillas, and the coypu. The capybara has a barrel-like, heavy body and a short head. They have reddish-brown fur on the upper part of their bodies and a more yellowy-brown shade underneath. Their feet are slightly webbed as they are semi aquatic vegetarians who swim in the water to find plants. Adults grow to about 3-4ft long, 20-25 inches tall at the withers, and weigh 77 to 150lbs.

Well little Joe Joe still has a lot of growing to do!

I first saw Joe Joe on his instagram page "joejoe_the_capybara" and fell in love with him. The page includes photos and video clips of "Joes", and actively comments on other ig users' pages from the point of view of the little guy. Some of the best conversations I've had on ig are with Joe Joe and his "daddybara" (who's regular ig account is "crazycodykadunk").

To see little Joe Joe grow up before your very eyes, follow him on instagram "joejoe_the_capybara", on facebook , and his hilarious youtube page.

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