Friday, September 13, 2013

Life Saving Snakes

Meet Danielle... pictured here with a Reticulated Python, Danielle is a 9 year old on a mission. 

"As many of you know, Danielle has long wanted to be a vet. Through the generosity of Garrett J. Hartle, not only are we raising money for Childhood Cancer research, Danielle got a once in a lifetime experience with some very exotic pets!" - Danielle's Roses against Childhood Cancer 

So how do snakes save lives? Snake breeder Garrett J. Hartle has started a fundraising campaign called "My Snakes Save Lives". The money raised in this campaign goes towards the research and fight against childhood cancer. 

Hartle's site says:

 "I have partnered in this effort with a 9 year old cancer survivor who started an organization called Danielle's Roses Against Childhood Cancer.    Danielle, once she was old enough to notice there were other sick children around her, decided to fight back, and stand up on their behalf.  Her own fight began at the age of 2, when she had one of her kidneys removed as a result of a regular scheduled check-up.  She has since continued to struggle after also having parts of her small intestine removed due to adhesions.     Her organization, which is managed by her father John, is now the #1 fundraising campaign for children's cancer, located right here where I live in Pittsburgh PA. More information about the efforts of this amazing family can be found on their Facebook page, located here:  "

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